Bathroom Remodel in Oxfordshire

Bathroom Remodel in Oxfordshire
Bathroom Remodel in Oxfordshire in Epwell project. Customer requested bathroom to be moved to adjoining wall to create more space and to close off one of the two doors that had access to the bathroom. We also planned replacement of goods in same positions, but a new tiled floor and modernised fittings would give it a fresh new look.
This is where we began:
Final fix and tiling in Epwell, Oxfordshire, new tiles bath and radiator moved and replaced – bathroom renovation completed.
The new bathroom after tiling floor and fitting new units and splash back, the final coat of paint and we are done:
Close up shot of the new bath, radiator, bath screen, and tiling in Epwell, Oxfordshire also fitted new mains fed shower and blocked off a second door, which was where the radiator is now.